
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

We are holograms. That's the suggestion. Believe?

In 1997, theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena proposed that it might be possible that everything we think we know about our universe could be explained if it were only just a projection of what is actually happening on another, more real, flatter universe.

You, I, everyone we know, all of known and unknown history, all that was or ever will be (do you believe in Determinism? Fate? Destiny?) is nothing more than a reverse shadow, a copy of sorts, a three-dimensional projection of what is really happening on a two-dimensional universe somewhere else.

Creepy, no?

So, if you are feeling down or depressed, hurt or oppressed, happy or glad or giddy or mad, relax, cos it's not real! Everything that is happening or will happen or could happen or would happen to you is just a repeat of something that happened to a much flatter, much more real someone else, somewhere else that we can't see or influence.

We're the characters in a cosmic play, being projected on a multidimensional plane by lower-dimensional beings. Is the playwright God?

We're written into and out of existence from elsewhere, incidentally, accidentally, or whatever, and we're never going to be able to do anything about it. 

Really? Or maybe not ....

I'm not sure what the implications of the possibilities of this are, but they are initially quite mind-boggling! Keep an eye out on this issue, as scientists and mathematicians and theoreticians are working on it, and if they can find further proofs, wow, what might that mean?

What a weird idea. Wanna explore it? Check it out yourself - and make sure to read the commentary Why Our Universe is Not a Hologram, by Brian Koberlein, at the end for a rebuttal. All very interesting. 

1) Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram
A ten-dimensional theory of gravity makes the same predictions as standard quantum physics in fewer dimensions.
Ron Cowen, 10 December 2013, Nature

2) Are we living in a HOLOGRAM? Physicists believe our universe could just be a projection of another cosmos
Holographic principle claims gravity comes from thin, vibrating strings
These strings are holograms of events that take place in a flatter cosmos
According to this theory, everything we experience can be described as events that take place in this flatter location
This is the first time the validity of the model has been mathematically tested
By ELLIE ZOLFAGHARIFARD, PUBLISHED: 08:03 EST, 12 December 2013 | UPDATED: 09:43 EST, 12 December 2013, The Daily Mail

3) Our universe is a hologram, and we’re floating inside of it, suggests new research
By James Plafke on December 16, 2013 at 8:31 am, ExtremeTech

4) Why Our Universe is Not a Hologram
by BRIAN KOBERLEIN on DECEMBER 13, 2013, Universe Today

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