
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

I'm now working on Revision 2 of the script to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, starring the Muppets. I've gone back and added the narration for bits that were referred to but skipped over, as is normal film script practice, just to make it more readable.

I've also made changes to the lines given to Marvin the Paranoid Android -- I've had to change his scenes a little, and given him lines where he otherwise didn't have any, just to keep him more involved with the story than he otherwise would be.

I'm also adding a whole second half to the storyline regarding the Question to the Ultimate Answer, with the hopes of concluding that part of the series as well. Anything beyond that will have to be left for a script to a sequel, if there ever is one.

As we move along, you'll see that there have been some changes to the order of scenes compared to the way they were presented in the radio scripts and the books, and some new scenes added, in order to make a coherent story. Therefore, this script will be following in the grand HHGTTG tradition of being as unlike the other stories as possible, while also telling the same story.

This is bound to satisfy no one and yet stay true to the tradition set by Douglas Adams every time he rewrote the story for another format or round of publication. I can only hope to carry forward the 'look and feel' of the original story as much as I possibly can.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing on it. Please feel free to make any suggestions and comments that you like.

Thank you.

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