
Monday, July 4, 2016

NOTE: It occurs to me during the posting of all of these Parts of the script to the HHGTTG that I may have made a rather large error. In trying to make one conclusive storyline that will fit into the time restraints of a movie, I seem to have started one story (the quest for the meaning of the answer, "42") and then more or less dropped it half-way through.

The Parts shared here already cover that part of the story.

However, the story picks up with concentrating on another quest, that of Zaphod trying to sort out why he did what he did to his own brain.

Oops. You see, this is why these are called "First Drafts," because you then find your errors and have to go back and rewrite the story to make it make sense as a "Second" or "Third Draft," etc.

Well, I shall definitely have to rewrite the script to go and pick up where we left off in the looking for the Ultimate Question. Until then, sorry for any confusion, and stay tuned for the rest of the First Draft as it is.

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